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Evonite LLP is registered in England and Wales, Partnership Number: OC452056.
Important Notice
Before you proceed to access this portal, it is important that you read this important notice carefully before proceeding. This notice contains legal and regulatory information which governs your access and use of this portal. By accessing this portal, you are indicating that you have read and accepted the terms of this important notice ("Terms"). If you do not agree to the Terms, please exit the site immediately.
The contents of this portal are provided to you in connection with pre-marketing of a proposed fund that is yet to be established which is affiliated with and will be advised by Evonite LLP ("Evonite"). Langham Hall Management S.à r.l. ("AIFM"), a licensed Alternative Investment Fund Manager with the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, has been appointed as the Alternative Investment Fund Manager in connection with pre-marketing of the proposed fund.
The contents of this portal are only available to persons who are a professional investor as defined in Annex II of Directive 2014/65/EU ("MiFID II"). If you are a person of any other description than that previously described in these Terms you should not rely upon the contents of this portal and you should not treat this portal as being intended for you.
Nothing contained within this portal constitutes an offer or invitation to units in any fund and should not be relied upon as it may be incomplete and subject to change. No subscription documents may be negotiated, or units in the proposed fund acquired during the pre-marketing period. This can only be done once the proposed fund has been established and accepted for formal marketing under Article 31 or 32 of Directive 2011/61/EU ("AIFMD").
You agree that by entering the portal you will keep all information disclosed to you confidential and, except with the prior written consent of Evonite, use or exploit any information in any way (including, but not limited to, any competitive or commercial purpose) or disclose or make available any information in whole or in part to any third party.
Please note that past performance is no guarantee of future performance and any forward looking projections contained in this portal are subject to a wide range of factors and risks which could mean that the forecasted projections are not achieved. Reliance on this portal for the purpose of engaging in any investment activity may expose a person to a significant risk of losing all of the property or other assets invested.
By using this portal you are agreeing that you have read and understood the Terms. You further hereby agree to that neither Evonite or the AIFM nor any of their respective partners, officers, employees, or agents makes any representation or warranty, expressed or implied as to the accuracy or completeness of this portal or any of its contents and no legal liability is assumed or shall be implied with respect thereto. None of the parties mentioned, nor any director, officer, employee, representative, agent or professional advisors shall be liable in any way whether in contract, tort or otherwise for any direct, indirect or consequential loss, damage, costs or expenses howsoever arising suffered by any person (including without limitation for negligence or breach of a contractual obligation or statutory duty) as a result of relying on all or any part of this portal and any liability is expressly disclaimed. No claim can be made to recover for any loss, damage, costs or expenses which may be suffered by reason of or arising out of the provision of the information contained in this portal.
We reserve the right to amend these Terms at any time by placing any such amendments on this portal. If this information is amended you will be required to read and accept these Terms of use again.
By proceeding to access this portal you agree and acknowledge these Terms.
Evonite LLP is an appointed representative of Langham Hall Fund Management LLP, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority of the UK.